Monday, June 11, 2012

Can Ghosts Steal Things?

While I was ghost hunting this weekend, the owner of the property mentioned that a toy ball had gone missing. They believed the ghost of a little girl had either moved it somewhere, or taken it into some other dimension. The day after our investigation, the ball showed up mysteriously outside the house.

I had never heard the idea that ghosts might be able to take things into their own physical space, but I think it’s an interesting theory. We once had a piece of equipment on a hunt move outside to the porch without any explanation (we had placed it in the attic.)

 I’ve seen plenty of objects move on their own, but I’ve never seen anything vanish. The theory would explain where all those random missing objects might be going.

Do you think it’s possible that ghosts might be able to move and take things in our world?


  1. If ghosts exists, then yes, they can steal things. I also believe that they can harm you, that they can possess you, and do just about anything else. The big question for me is the "if" one.

    BTW, thank you Alyson for the wonderful review you gave my book. I'm almost done with Nightfire. I love Olivia although I'm not quite sure what she sees in William other than he's incredibly smokin' hot. You have created a fantastic vampire novel. I'll be reviewing it soon :)) I hope your sales are strong.

  2. My sister has a ghostly man in her house. She's seen him numerous times in their bedroom and had him sitting on her foot at the end of the bed. My little nephew used to see him alot too and woke one night screaming that the man had taken his dummy. My sister waved it away as a bad dream and gave him another, thinking it had fallen down the side of the bed, but the next morning she stripped it all and the dummy was no where to be seen. She hunted high and low for it. Then about two nights later when she went to put my nephew to bed it was there, placed directly in the middle of his pillow as if waiting for him. She's had similar things go missing and reapear at a later date, too...

  3. Thanks Michael! You definately earned that wonderful review on Slipstream. :)Glad you are enjoying Nightfire.

    DRC, thanks for sharing that story. I'd love to hear more stories like that. It helps to confirm that kind of thing really does happen. Pretty scary for your nephew, though!

  4. This isa seriously interesting thought Alyson - mind you are a ghost hunter you would probably have a better idea than me.

  5. Tonight I gave my son a bath and before I did, I laid his pajamas out on the bed. After his bath I laid him down in his receiving blanket and left the room for a second. When I came back, his pajamas were gone. They are nowhere in my house. I am 110% positive I didn't misplace them. How do I know if this is something malicious?? I am kind of freaked out.

  6. Objects going missing is usually not something you need to worry about much. A lot of spirits are playful or just curious and will take things that are of interest to them. Unless activity increases or changes very rapidly, it's probably nothing to be too upset about.

  7. I don't think ghosts can steal something, they are spirits of the earthbound dead. But poltergeists can engage in many mischievous activities including stealing. A poltergeist is a phenomenon created by the mind of a disturbed adolescent, what we call an "agent". For more details on poltergeists, check out my article on my paranormal blog here:
